With the new update, a lot of people have been asking about how to get armor. So I decided to write a small article on it!
Material Needed
Wood Plank
The first thing you will need is Wood Planks. Either smelting logs can make this in a Furnace or chopping wood blocks into planks. If you are using planks for your house, that’s fine too, since they serve as building materials and fuel.
I would recommend using oak wood, though. Oak trees tend to drop more planks than other types of trees, so you won’t have to spend as much time gathering wooden planks as you would with others. Here is a list of all the default woods and their corresponding number of planks per log:
Oak – 6 Oak Wood Planks Spruce – 4 Spruce Wood Planks Birch – 3 Birch Wood Planks Jungle – 2 Jungle Wood Planks Acacia – 5 Acacia Wood Planks Dark Oak – 4 Dark Oak Wood Planks
The procedure of making wooden tools
Wooden tools are made by crafting three wood planks together. Once you have them, here’s what you do:
- Press ” e ” to open your inventory screen.
- Press the Crafting Table button on the top part of this screen. It looks like a wooden block with a + sign on it; if you can’t see it, press ” t. ” This will bring up a toolbar at the bottom of your Minecraft window, which allows you to select different blocks to display in your Hot bar and to use various tools.
- On the right side, there should be a 3×3 grid of squares. Press one of those squares, and it will bring up a menu:
- Drag the Wood Planks into the first column on the left column. This will bring up another menu:
The Wooden Sword recipe has three slots that are used for swords with three different Durability numbers. When you first make a sword, all three will have a durability of 30. This means that the blade will break after hitting something 30 times. Daggers made from Oak Wood only have a durability of 30, but swords made from other types have a Durability of 40 or 50 depending on what kind of wood is used to create it.
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Wooden Sword recipe
If you want to change the Durability value, place an additional piece of timber in one of those slots, adding 10 points for a total of 40 if both slots are filled or 50 if all three are filled. Just remember that the more Durability your sword has, the minor damage it does per hit, so keep that in mind when choosing how many Planks you want to use. Also, note that adding too many planks to the recipe will start taking more than 3 seconds to craft I.
You wish your Durability value to stay above 10, I suggest making the sword in two steps: Step 1) Craft a Wooden Sword with 3 Planks and a Durability of 30. Step 2) Carry that sword around and hit some stuff with it until it breaks. Then place your cursor over an unbroken blade in your Hot bar and press ” c ” to open its interface. Now add more Planks and press the button next to where it says Durability: 40. This should increase all three values by ten without causing any additional delay in crafting time!

Making armor
Now that we’ve covered how to make tools let’s talk about making armor! As it turns out, people tend to like wearing clothes. However, since Minecraft is a game about exploring weird places and punching blocks until they explode (just like it says on the back of the box), you want to minimize your exposure to danger as much as possible by not having your character’s skin shown; otherwise, you may end up getting burned or drowned or stepped on without warning. For this reason, I suggest you make yourself some clothes as I did in this screenshot:
To make these clothes, follow the same process used for creating the Wooden Sword but instead use Thread instead of Wood Planks. After all three pieces are made, hold in your inventory and right-click on each item with a selection of Wool. This will finalize the process and allow you to wear it as armor!
I recommend that you upgrade your leather armor as soon as possible by adding either Gold Nuggets or Iron Ingots to the recipe, just like we said Planks. This increases its Durability from 30-40 points, making it more resistant to damage from sharp objects such as Swords, Knives, Arrows, etc.
In addition, if you combine Leather Armor with a pair of Pants made from Wool Thread and a T-Shirt or Sweater made from Wool Cloth (the white block), then most hostile mobs will ignore you; ultimately because they won’t be able to see your skin underneath all those clothes! Note: this will also prevent Creepers from blowing up next to you since they won’t be able to see your skin either.
Testing armor
If you want to test this out, visit a Creative Multiplayer world and punch some animals with your fist so that they start chasing you. Once it starts getting close, press “e” to open up your inventory screen and equip the Leather Armor, any Pants made from Wool Thread, and a T-Shirt or Sweater made from Wool Cloth (the white block).
Now drop back down into Survival mode and let the mob try to attack you! When it gets close enough, right-click on it with your fist and sees what happens. This might seem like cheating, but it’s not since the rules of Minecraft say that you can’t use your fist to kill other players (and since this is an online game, it counts as a player anyway).
Creating a row of 3 iron ingots & two iron pieces underneath the edges is the first step in creating a helmet. Iron is inserted into everything but the top center slot to create a chest plate. The principal components of 3 iron ingots on the left and right, along with another ingot in the top center slot, can be used to create leggings.
- Q. How do you make armor in Minecraft?
A. You need to smelt an iron ingot into an iron nugget, then you need to combine the iron nugget with leather in a crafting grid to produce armor. You can choose individual armor pieces by placing the required materials in the following pattern:
- Leather Cap + Iron Helmet = Iron Helmet
- Leather Tunic + Iron Leggings = Iron Leggings
- Iron Chestplate + Iron Boots = Iron Boots
- Iron Gauntlets + Leather Pants = Leather Pants
Buckets are not included because they cannot be used for armoring purposes. Buckets hold water, which is useless outdoors and dangerous indoors. The standard leather bucket is not crafted into an armor piece. You can also combine three pieces of the same type into a complete set, where each piece will contribute durability points to the whole group.
- Q. What is protection in Minecraft? How does it work?
A. Protection is what you lose when you die in Minecraft (1/2 heart otherwise). Protection ranges from 0–30% depending on what kind of armor or material that your character is wearing when killed, with no defense being the most common result.
The percent of protection lost will be equal to 10 minus half the percentage of security that your armor gives you when a mob kills you. For example, if your character is wearing leather armor with 10% durability left and you die from a creeper attack, you will lose 9% protection.
All mobs deal half a heart of damage to players regardless of their natural spawn resistance when playing on Peaceful difficulty. No bands have damage reduction or projectile immunity on Hardcore mode, so it makes sense to wear Diamond Armor. However, Gold Armor provides adequate protection against most hostile mobs in the Easy method.
- Q. How did you make that awesome armor in Minecraft?
You must craft iron ingots into nuggets which can then be smelted into an iron block, which is easier to work with than individual ingots.
Once you have made an iron block, mine it with a pickaxe (preferably stone) until you obtain two iron nuggets. With these nuggets, make some armor! Make sure to get leather, too, which is made from cows – the best source of raw materials for future projects