Many people face connection errors in the wavlink extender. Below
is the list of the reason why you face this problem with your wifi
● Outdated software of WIFI extender.
● Unsuitable placement of WIFI extender.
● Wrong connection of WIFI network.
● Insufficient extender setup.
● Improper ethernet connection.
The WiFi extender keeps disconnecting due to several reasons.
Don’t fear, we are here for you, just follow the below steps to solve
your problem of connection error.
Reset Your Wavlink Extender
The first method is to fix the problem of connection error by
resetting the wavlink extender. Resetting the device will help to
overcome the connection issue of the extender. So refresh the
wavlink extender by using the below steps.
● Disconnect the wavlink range extender setup from the router.
● Now, switch off your router and unplug it.
● After a few seconds, put a plug back in the extender of the
power source.
● Now, press the power button and reconnect the wavlink
extender to your home router.
● After, resetting your extender then you should again set up
your wavlink wifi extender at your place. If you don’t know how
to set up a wifi extender then go to the wavlink extender setup
page and follow those steps carefully.
Eliminate WiFi Interferences
The second method to start up, make sure that your wavlink
extender installation is set up without any interference. It is possible
that the signal of the WiFi extender is blocked by the appliances
which are near it. These appliances may include microwave ovens,
cordless phones, Bluetooth speakers, Metal objects, etc. Follow
these steps to avoid an issue.
● Keep your extender far from electronic appliances such as
refrigerators, microwave ovens, etc.
● Set up your WiFi extender at the safest place.
● Don’t place your WiFi extender under a table or on a
● Also, keep your WiFi extender away from metal doors, Fish
tanks, Walls, etc.
Placed Your Device Closer
Sometimes, the distance between your router and extender is the
main cause of connection errors. Hence, the wavlink extender is
extremely important for the proper functioning of the device. The
distance between your router and extender can create interference
with its working. So place them closer to each other.
Examine Ethernet Connection
Another method helps you to ensure that the extender has the
proper connection to check the ethernet connection between your
devices. If there is an issue with your cable, then you can change
your cable with a new one. Now, connect your wavlink extender
with your devices with the help of an ethernet cable.
Update Software of Extender
Most of these problems occur due to old extender or outdated
software of extender, then you must have to update the software of
the wavlink extender regularly. If you don’t know how to update the
software of the wavlink extender then follow these steps.
● Firstly, open a web browser on your mobile phone and enter in the address bar.
● Now, enter the admin password in the field provided. If you
have not yet changed the password from the default settings,
then leave the password field and click on login.
● Move to the right-hand corner of the screen and click on the
upgrade button from the drop-down menu.
● Go to the update software information and the device will
check for a new version of the software. If a new version of
firmware is found, then the information of the firmware will be
seen on the display.
● Now, click on the upgrade firmware to download this upgrade
● It may take a few seconds for the upgrade to complete the
new firmware.
● The device will automatically restart when the firmware
upgrade is completed. Now, you will need to log in again for
the admin credentials.
Detach Some Device
If you are connecting some extra device with your wavlink extender
which is not in use then disconnect them because it gives the
problem of connection errors to you. If you do this method, you can
get the fastest internet speed at home.
After the introduction of this article, I hope you must solve your
problem of connection errors and also know the reason why this
problem will occur. Stay tuned for further updates.